Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church - Swivel

Sources: United States Conference on Catholic Bishops (
While for many Americans, the cliché of a pedophilic priest is a worn, old joke, for a number of the real-life victims of this particular sexual abuse, the most prevalent anecdotes exist because they contain the largest kernel of truth. Los Angeles archdiocese Cardinal Roger Mahoney recently apologized after the announcement of a record-breaking $660million settlement to compensate victims of sexual abuse by priests under his jurisdiction.
While for each of the plaintiffs, the settlement will mean an average sum of $1.3 million, money is not always equivalent to justice, nor is a settlement equivalent to vindication. Where innocence is lost, so is trust, and while Catholicism is still a staple of religion worldwide, those who hold power within these organizations are under close scrutiny, even at a cultural level, wherein such loss of trust creates the bedrock of jokes that have become so prevalent, they've become cliché.
Here, in lieu of a new hem on your robe is a comparison of Diocesan and Religious Priests involved in single and multiple allegations (2-3, 4-9, and 10 or more) reported until 2002.

Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church

Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church - Swivel

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