NationalGeographic - Hubble Trouble
A behind the scenes look at the second longest space walk in history and the potentially fatal challenges that existed.
Nat Geo,
Space - Hubble
NationalGeographic - Moon Landing Mysteries
Step inside Apollo 11 when Neil Armstrong and crew had less than 30 seconds of fuel left before landing on the moon.
Nat Geo,
Space - NASA
List of stars with confirmed extrasolar planets
Extrasolar planets were first confirmed to be orbiting pulsars PSR B1257+12 and PSR B1620-26. These discoveries were announced in 1992 and 1993 respectively. The first extrasolar planet to be found orbiting a normal star, 51 Pegasi b, was first discovered to be orbiting 51 Pegasi in 1995.
Note that the masses of the planets are (for the most part) lower bounds only. If a planet is detected by the radial velocity method, no information is gained about the inclination of the planet's plane of orbit around its star, and a value for this is needed to calculate the mass. It has become customary to assume arbitrarily that the plane is exactly lined up with the line of sight from Earth (this produces the lowest possible mass consistent with the spectral line measurements).
There are 264 planets listed — 251 orbiting normal stars (61 in multiple planet systems, and 190 in single planet systems), 4 orbiting pulsars, and 1 orbiting a brown dwarf. 252 planets were found by radial velocity or doppler method, 31 were found by transit method, 1 by direct imaging, and 5 by timing method.
List of stars with confirmed extrasolar planets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Our Mysteries,
Our Real Blue Dot,
The Human Sexes (Part One) - Different But Equal
The Human Sexes (Part One) - Different But Equal
50 min 58 sec - Jan 31, 2007
Written and presented by Desmond Morris (1997). Will boys always be boys and girls always be girls? Will we ever really understand each other? You may be shocked by your conclusions. Prepare yourself for an intimate, erotic examination of physical differences between the sexes, from body fat to brain power. See Turkish men demonstrate their suitability as mates by wrestling in olive oil. Celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans, where women bare their breasts to entice men to reward them with strings of beads. Observe women who flaunt their femininity as exotic dancers, and female body builders who develop their muscles to the point of masculinity. Examine brain scans that show that men and women even think differently about the same problems. 'Different But Equal' explores whether the amazing differences between men and women are based on biology or history.
Human Behavior
The Human Sexes (Part Four) - Passages Of Life
The Human Sexes (Part Four) - Passages Of Life
50 min 43 sec - Feb 6, 2007
Written and presented by Desmond Morris (1997). Does society treat men and women differently? You may not like the unsettling answers you'll find in Passages Of Life. Compare the way different cultures deal with boys and girls as they grow up. Some believe male circumcision began as an ancient Egyptian snake worship ritual to ensure immortality. In the Middle East, puberty brings a girl her first veil; in Yemen, a boy his first grown-up dagger. Watch young women turned into ladies at an etiquette school in England, and young men turned into killers by the US Marine Corps. Witness a marriage celebration in a small Greek village - where a dowry still makes a difference. Passages Of Life might make you feel better about growing up... or worse.
Human Behavior
The Human Sexes (Part Five) - The Maternal Dilemma
The Human Sexes (Part Five) - The Maternal Dilemma
51 min 30 sec - Feb 10, 2007
Written and presented by Desmond Morris (1997). In today's world' is it tougher to be a mother... or a father? Will it ever be possible to ... all » balance work and motherhood? No matter what you currently believe, The Maternal Dilemma will surprise you with new insight. See working mothers in Japan and England who leave their children in day-care centers. Discover the 'granny solution' in Greece. Explore the 'paternal solution' with stay-at-home fathers in America. Have dinner with a man from Utah who has several wives: some have children while others pursue careers. Compare women who work in fields with babies at their side, to Western women trying to balance kids with a career. It'll soon become clear that The Maternal Dilemma is something everybody shares.
Human Behavior
The Human Sexes (Part Six) - The Gender Wars
The Human Sexes (Part Six) - The Gender Wars
51 min 29 sec - Feb 22, 2007
Written and presented by Desmond Morris (1997). Do you know what side of the Battle Of The Sexes you're on? You might be stunned by this ... all » eye-opening look at the recent struggle for equality between the sexes. Originally, there was a primitive balance between the sexes, but when people left the village for the city, the natural balance disappeared. Find out the origins of honeymoons and other tools of male dominance like wedding rings and female circumcision. Travel to Finland for the annual wife-carrying contest celebrating the capture of women from other villages. follow the rise of feminism, from turn-of-the-century suffragettes to the National Organization for Women. Visit the front lines of the gender wars with female stock traders and female firefighters who parachute into blazing California forests. Pay attention: what you learn here may just help you survive The Gender Wars.
Human Behavior
What Makes Us Human? (1. Big Heads)
What Makes Us Human? (1. Big Heads)
47 min 11 sec - Nov 27, 2006
While our closest animal relatives have been swinging from the trees, humans have built a world that is vastly more complex. What are the ... all » defining features that have allowed us to do this? Are we special, and separate from all other animals, or are we just an especially successful mammal?
Human Behavior
What Makes Us Human? (2. Copycats)
What Makes Us Human? (2. Copycats)
48 min 6 sec - Nov 28, 2006
While our closest animal relatives have been swinging from the trees, humans have built a world that is vastly more complex. What are the ... all » ... all » defining features that have allowed us to do this? Are we special, and separate from all other animals, or are we just an especially successful mammal?
Human Behavior
My Brilliant Brain - Make Me A Genius
My Brilliant Brain - Make Me A Genius
46 min 58 sec - Aug 27, 2007
At 38 years old, Susan Polgar has reached heights that few women have ever equalled in the chess world. Despite the common assumption that ... all » men’s brains are better at understanding spatial relationships, giving them an advantage in games such as chess, Susan went on to become the world’s first grandmaster. Susan’s remarkable abilities have earned her the label of ‘genius’, but her psychologist father, László Polgar, believed that genius was “not born, but made”. Noting that even Mozart received tutelage from his father at a very early age, Polgar set about teaching chess to the five-year-old Susan after she happened upon a chess set in their home. “My father believed that the potential of children was not used optimally,” says Susan
Our Brain
My Brilliant Brain - Born Genius
My Brilliant Brain - Born Genius
46 min 57 sec - Aug 26, 2007
Marc Yu, a seven-year-old concert pianist. At two he heard "Mary Had A Little Lamb", and immediately played it back, flawlessly. A year ... all » later he was playing Beethoven from memory. Now with a repertoire of more than 40 classical pieces, the young maestro's astounding brain has intrigued experts, such as development psychologist Professor Ellen Winner and neuroscientist Gottfired Schlaug. Winner and Schlaug focus on Marc Yu's achievements, and ask whether hard work is behind his success, or was he simply born with a brilliant brain? They also look at a class of 50 children learning music, and discover a number of changes are taking place in their brains. The experts believe that, given the right nuturing, any one of the youngsters could grow up to become a musical genius.
Our Brain
The Human Animal - The Immortal Genes (1994, Part Five)
The Human Animal - The Immortal Genes (1994, Part Five)
49 min 6 sec - Sep 9, 2007
A Personal View of the Human Species by Desmond Morris. Desmond Morris looks at the natural history of the human parent and child. Why do ... all » homo sapiens devote more time to raising their young than any other animal? What makes parents sacrifice so much for their children, and why, once the offspring have been raised, don't humans simply die off as other creatures do? Desmond reveals how children offer a way of overcoming death itself.
Human Behavior
The Human Animal - The Hunting Ape (1994, Part Two)
The Human Animal - The Hunting Ape (1994, Part Two)
48 min 21 sec - May 2, 2007
A Personal View of the Human Species by Desmond Morris. This episode looks at our most fundamental activity - finding food, examining how ... all » humans exploit even the most inhospitable environments, and analysing how our origins as hunter-gatherers manifest themselves in the fast-food culture of the modern world
Human Behavior
The Human Animal - Beyond Survival (1994, Part Six)
The Human Animal - Beyond Survival (1994, Part Six)
48 min 39 sec - Sep 19, 2007
A Personal View of the Human Species by Desmond Morris. Humans are animals with similar biological needs to other species. So why have we ... all » got art, cinema, sport, literature and philosophy? In the last programme in the series, Desmond Morris examines what the human animal does when it has sorted out its basic needs - food, warmth and shelter - and has gone beyond mere survival. Morris explores the inventiveness of human behaviour, and comes to some fascinating conclusions.
Human Behavior
The Human Animal - The Language of the Body (1994, Part One)
The Human Animal - The Language of the Body (1994, Part One)
49 min 15 sec - May 14, 2007
A Personal View of the Human Species by Desmond Morris. This episode focuses on the planet's most advanced animal, beginning with a look at how man communicated before the evolution of language. Some gestures and expressions are so ingrained that we have not been able to erase them from our vocabulary.
Human Behavior
The Human Animal - The Biology Of Love - (1994, Part Four)
The Human Animal - The Biology Of Love (1994, Part Four)
49 min 0 sec - Jun 1, 2007
In this program, Desmond Morris analyzes the biological nature of love, with its attendant patterns of behaviour and signals of health and ... all » fertility that have evolved to ensure pair-bonding and genetic survival. The pre- and post-pubescent periods of sexual maturation, the stages of courtship, and the aesthetics of physical beauty are studied, along with the anatomical mechanics of sexual arousal and copulation. In addition, the stresses placed on couples by life in an urbanized, crowded world are explored.
Human Behavior
The Boy With The Incredible Brain
The Boy With The Incredible Brain
47 min 32 sec - Feb 27, 2007
This is the breathtaking story of Daniel Tammet. A twenty-something with extraordinary mental abilities, Daniel is one of the world’s few savants. He can do calculations to 100 decimal places in his head, and learn a language in a week. This documentary follows Daniel as he travels to America to meet the scientists who are convinced he may hold the key to unlocking similar abilities in everyone. He also meets the world’s most famous savant, the man who inspired Dustin Hoffman’s character in the Oscar winning film ‘Rain Man’. (2005)
Our Brain