Unusual Pictures

Unusual Pictures: " "

1993 New York Times first article on the Internet

1993 New York Times first article on the Internet: " "

1919 New York Times Confirmation of Einstein Relativity

1919 New York Times Confirmation of Einstein Relativity

1851 New York Times Events of the Year

1851 New York Times Events of the Year: " "

1912 - Syracuse Herald - All Titanic passengers rescued

Syracuse Herald - April 15, 1912 - Reports all Titanic passengers rescued

Waking on the Wing - Extreme videos

Extreme videos

Wing Walker video - Extreme videos - MadnessVideo.net: "
Extreme videos"

Bangkok Plane Crash Survivor Footage Video

Bangkok Plane Crash Survivor Footage - Watch more free videos

Bangkok Plane Crash Survivor Footage Video



What Buddhists Believe

What Buddhists Believe

A Stunning Chronicle of Unbelievers. The history of skepticism and the process of doubt that drives all human knowledge.

The history of skepticism and the process of doubt that drives all human knowledge.

A Stunning Chronicle of Unbelievers


El requerimiento

Antes de proceder a las conquistas, los capitanes españoles tenían órdenes de leer a los nativos el requerimiento que sigue, el cual estuvo escrito originalmente en latín. Al cabo del tiempo el nombre del rey Fernando fue sustituido por el de Carlos I.


Volcano Tungurahua, Pic

Erupts Volcano Tungurahua erupted spectacularly last year. Pictured above, molten rock so hot it glows visibly pours down the sides of the 5,000-meter high Tungurahua, while a cloud of dark ash is seen being ejected toward the left. Wispy white clouds flow around the lava-lit peak, while a star-lit sky shines in the distance. The above image was captured last year as ash fell around the adventurous photographer. Located in Ecuador, Tungurahua has become active roughly every 90 years since for the last 1,300 years. Volcano Tungurahua has started erupting again this year and continues erupting at a lower lever even today.

Saturn's Iapetus Moon, Pic

Kilometers Above Saturn's Iapetus What does the surface of Saturn's mysterious moon Iapetus look like? To help find out, the robotic Cassini spacecraft now orbiting Saturn was sent soaring last week just 2,000 kilometers from the unique equatorial ridge of the unusual walnut-shaped two-toned moon. The above image from Cassini is from about 4,000 kilometers out and allows objects under 100-meters across to be resolved. Cassini found an ancient and battered landscape of craters, sloping hills, and mountains as high as 10 kilometers and so rival the 8.8-kilometer height of Mt. Everest on Earth. Just above the center of this image is a small bright patch where an impacting rock might have uncovered deep clean water ice. Space scientists will be studying flyby images like this for clues to the origin of Iapetus' unusual shape and coloring with particular emphasis because no more close flybys of the enigmatic world are planned.

1776 - Adam Smith - An Inquiry into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of the Nations

1776 - Adam Smith - An Inquiry into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of the Nations: " "

Outrageous Pictures

Outrageous Pictures: " "

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, Learn Python

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, Learn Python: " "

The Crowd, A Study of the Popular Mind, Gustave Le Bon, 1896

The Crowd, A Study of the Popular Mind, Gustave Le Bon, 1896: " "

Understanding Stupidity, by James F Welles, Ph D

Understanding Stupidity, by James F Welles, Ph D: " "



Costa Rica, Antique Pictures

Costa Rica, Antique Pictures: " "

Life Online, The Web in 2020

Life Online, The Web in 2020: " "

Functional MRI of the Brain During Orgasm In Women

Functional MRI of the Brain During Orgasm In Women: " "

Persuasion In Everyday Life

Persuasion In Everyday Life: " "

Evolution of Human Ultrasociety

Evolution of Human Ultrasociety: " "

Neurobiology of Body Language

Neurobiology of Body Language

The Brain in Love and Lust

The Brain in Love and Lust: " "

A Day in life of Homus Sapiens Globalus

A Day in life of homus sapiens: " "

Collective Delusions, 1997 Bartholomew

Collective Delusions, 1997 Bartholomew: " "

How Real People Think in Strategic Games

How Real People Think in Strategic Games: " "

Tsunami Asia - Dec2004 - Picture Gallery

Tsunami Asia - Dec2004 - Picture Gallery: " "

Heresy & the Spanish Inquisition

Heresy & the Spanish Inquisition: " "

The Manipulation of Human Behavior

Bureau of Social Science Research, Inc.
Associate Professor of Psychology
University of Georgia

The Manipulation of Human Behavior: " "

Can't Take My Eyes Off You. The Power Of Attraction

Can't Take My Eyes Off You New Study Shows The Power Of Attraction: " "

Homo politicus Brain function of liberals, conservatives differs

Description: The brain neurons of liberals and conservatives fire differently when confronted with tough choices, suggesting that some political divides may be hard-wired

Homo politicus Brain function of liberals, conservatives differs: " "

Researchers Demonstrate How Placebo Effect Works in the Brain

Columbia University scientists, with colleagues from the University of Michigan, have shown how the neurochemistry of the placebo effect can relieve pain in humans. The scientists found that the placebo effect caused the brains of test volunteers to release more of a natural painkiller.

Researchers Demonstrate How Placebo Effect Works in the Brain: " "

Psychologist - neurochemistry behind romance

Psychologist explains the neurochemistry behind romance: " "

U.S. Civil War - Photographs

Civil War - Photographs

Top 100 Undiscovered Web Sites

Top 100 Undiscovered Web Sites: " "

Astronomers Select Top Ten Pictures Taken by Hubble in Last 16 Years

Astronomers Select Top Ten Most Amazing Pictures Taken by Hubble Space Telescope in Last 16 Years

Hackers Secrets Revealed

Hackers Secrets Revealed: " "

Hacking Gmail

Hacking Gmail: " "

Body Language - Allan Pease

Pease, Allan - Body Language: " "

Experiments with People: Revelations From Social Psychology - Robert Abelson

Experiments with People Revelations From Social Psychology - Robert Abelson: " "

The Selfish Gene- Richard Dawkins

The Selfish Gene- Richard Dawkins: " "

Why Sex Matters - A Darwinian Look At Human Behavior, by Bobbi S. Low

Why Sex Matters - A Darwinian Look At Human Behavior

Flirting Fascination, By Joann Ellison Rodgers

Description: The science of flirting. The capacity of men and women to flirt turns out to be a remarkable set of behaviors embedded deep in our psyches.

Flirting Fascination: "Description: The science of flirting. The capacity of men and women to flirt turns out to be a remarkable set of behaviors embedded deep in our psyches. "

Brain Facts 2005, Society of Neuroscience

Society of Neuroscience - Brain Facts 2005

Separation of Church and State

Description: a more accurate phrase than “separation of church and state” might be something like “separation of organized religion and civil authority,” because religious and civil authorities are not and should not be invested in the same people or organizations. In practice, this means that civil authority cannot dictate to or control organized religious bodies. The state cannot tell religious bodies what to preach, how to preach or when to preach. Civil authority must exercise a “hands off” approach, neither helping nor hindering religion.

Separation of Church and State 101 (from About com)

Breaking the Spell - Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, Dennett Daniel

Dennett Daniel - Breaking the Spell - Religion as a Natural Phenomenon

Jung, Carl Gustav - Personality Theories

Jung, Carl Gustav - Personality Theories

A History Of God (Religion - Theology) Karen Armstrong

Karen Armstrong - A History Of God (Religion - Theology -

Pale Blue Dot (Carl Sagan)

Vision of the Future in Space

Pale Blue Dot (Carl Sagan): " "

Jung, Carl Gustav - The Association Method

Jung, Carl Gustav - The Association Method: " "


The Relation of Intelligence to Social Reform


It's All in the Brain

An exploration of the findings of neurocience as it relates to political behavior

It's All in the Brain: "An exploration of the findings of neurocience as it relates to political behavior "

Military Intelligence Blunders

Military Intelligence Blunders: " "

Art History

Late Italian Renaissance to Dutch portraiture and genre painting.

Art!!!: "Late Italian Renaissance to Dutch portraiture and genre painting. "

The US Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence: " "

Psychology and Religion West and East, Carl Jung

Psychology and Religion West and East by Carl Jung: " "

Sam Harris, 10 Myths and 10 Truths About Atheism

10 Myths and 10 Truths About Atheism: " "

The Natural History of Religion -Philosophy - David Hume

Philosophy - David Hume - The Natural History of Religion