The Tzaar nuclear explosion
Discovery Channel documentry about the biggest nuclear bomb ever made.
YouTube - The Ultimate Explosions: ""
an Archive with,
yet another version of reality...
Discovery Channel documentry about the biggest nuclear bomb ever made.
YouTube - The Ultimate Explosions: ""
Historical Events,
Australian Air Force destroys a North Korean drug ship after being caught trying to smuggle drugs into Australia.
Rare occurances
Sri Lankan navy destros a tamil tiger ship carrying weapons in February 2007
Incredible Real Events,
The sinking of the 888' Oriskany to make an artificial reef off Pensacola, Florida
Rare occurances
Perhaps no one comprehends the roots of depravity and cruelty better than
Philip Zimbardo. He is renowned for such research as the Stanford Prison Experiment, which demonstrated how, in the right circumstances, ordinary people can swiftly become amoral monsters. Evil is not so much inherent in individuals, Zimbardo showed, but emerges dependably when a sequence of dehumanizing and stressful circumstances unfolds. It is no wonder then, that Zimbardo has lent both his expertise and moral outrage to the case of U.S. reservists who perpetrated the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison.
Zimbardo’s latest book, The Lucifer Effect, attempts to understand “how good people do evil deeds.” His talk outlines his involvement as expert witness for the defense team of one of the military police officers responsible at Abu Ghraib, and also provides a rich history of psychological research into the kind of behavior transformations evident in Iraq. First, Zimbardo presents a slideshow of Abu Ghraib abominations, including some digital photos that were not widely distributed by the media. Then he digs deep into the archives for a horrifically illustrated tour of experiments that make a persuasive case that certain, predictable situations corrupt people into wielding power in a destructive way.
He describes Stanley Milgram’s 1963 Yale-based research demonstrating that people will behave sadistically when confronted by “an authority in a lab coat.” A vast majority of the subjects delivered what they were told were dangerous electric shocks to a learner in another room, to the point of apparently killing the other person. Researchers skeptical of his results replicated them. This time, professors demanded that students shock real puppies standing on electrified grills. Zimbardo’s own prison experiment turned an ordinary group of young men into power-hungry “guards,” humiliating equally ordinary “prisoners” in the basement of Stanford’s psychology building. The descent into barbarity was so rapid that Zimbardo had to cancel the experiment after a few days.
The recipe for behavior change isn’t complicated. “All evil begins with a big lie,” says Zimbardo, whether it’s a claim to be following the word of God, or the need to stamp out political opposition. A seemingly insignificant step follows, with successive small actions, presented as essential by an apparently just authority figure. The situation presents others complying with the same rules, perhaps protesting, but following along all the same. If the victims are anonymous or dehumanized somehow, all the better. And exiting the situation is extremely difficult.
Ten Truths About Human Nature
Why most suicide bombers are Muslim, beautiful people have more daughters, humans are naturally polygamous, sexual harassment isn't sexist, and blonds are more attractive.
Psychology Today: Ten Truths About Human Nature
Directed by It's A Wonderful Life's Frank Capra and written by Theodor "Dr. Seuss" Geisel, produced by the United States Information & Education Division of the Army Services Forces in 1946, this authentic film proposes, "War with Germany ends in victory, victory leads to peace ... Sometimes ... Sometimes not."
History - Military
A video that I put together over many days. On August 16, 1960, Joe Kittinger lifted off from Earth more... in a helium balloon called Excelsior III (experimenting the effects of high altitude on the human body) and rose to a hight of 102,800 feet (31,300 m). Once he reached the edge of space, he did something incredibly brave and amazing...He JUMPED! Kittinger was in freefall for 4½ minutes and reached a maximum speed of 614 mph (988 km/h) before opening his parachute at 18,000 feet (5,500 m). The total time from jump to landing took 13 minutes and 45 seconds. According to Kittinger, he broke the speed of sound during that famous highest jump. This may be debatable, as other references give his peak speed at 614 (988 km/h) or 618 (994 km/h) miles per hour, or mach 0.9. He set records for highest balloon ascent, highest parachute jump, longest freefall and fastest speed by a man through the atmosphere.
In 2000, Controlled Demolition Inc. took Seattle's Kingdome out with over two tons of dynamite.
This demolition of a public housing project in San Juan, Puerto Rico set a Guinness World Record for the most buildings destroyed in a single blast.
The old Las Vegas hotel and casino is demolished by a controlled implosion on January 11, 2006.
Rare occurances
A series of ridiculously large bombs is detonated in Iraq by an EOD team.
A civilian EOD team detonates 100 tons of ordnance in the desert.
A sunken WWII barge is blown to bits with 10 tons of explosives.
A rocket explodes, showering the camera with rubble and producing a massive crater.
A Norwegian torpedo "greets" a 2700-ton Destroyer Escort.
This silent footage of an impossibly large car bomb explosion in Baghdad.
Philosopher and scientist Dan Dennett argues that human consciousness and free will are the result of physical processes and are not what we traditionally think they are. His 2003 book Freedom Evolves explores the way our brains have evolved to give us -- and only us -- the kind of freedom that matters, while 2006's Breaking the Spell examines religious belief through the lens of biology.
About this Talk
Here's one of those talks that can change your view of the world forever. Starting with the deceptively simple story of an ant, Dan Dennett unleashes a dazzling sequence of ideas, making a powerful case for the existence of "memes" -- a term coined by Richard Dawkins for mental concepts that are literally alive and capable of spreading from brain to brain. On the way, look out for:
+ a powerful one-sentence secret of happiness
+ a compelling insight into terrorists' motivation
+ a chilling view of Islam
And just when you think you know where the talk's heading, it dramatically shifts direction and questions some of western culture's fundamental assumptions.
This. Is. Unmissable.
Forums - TED Talks,
Our Mind,
Dual inheritance theory
Dual inheritance theory, (DIT), sometimes called gene/culture coevolution, posits that humans are products of the interaction between genetic evolution and cultural evolution. DIT assumes that culture, (including cultural transmission and cultural evolution), is both influenced by and constrained by genes via psychological adaptations and that culture, in turn, contributes to selection pressures on genes. The results of these interactions can be a mix of both adaptive and maladaptive traits within a population. Another way of conceiving DIT is as an approach that integrates evolutionary theory, cultural theory, and learning theory.
Dual inheritance theory - Wikipedia
Theories of innovation diffusion
French sociologist Gabriel Tarde originally claimed that sociology was based on small psychological interactions among individuals, especially imitation and innovation.
Diffusion of innovations theory was formalized by Everett Rogers in a 1962 book called Diffusion of Innovations. Rogers stated that adopters of any new innovation or idea could be categorized as innovators (2.5%), early adopters (13.5%), early majority (34%), late majority (34%) and laggards (16%), based on a bell curve. Each adopter's willingness and ability to adopt an innovation would depend on their awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption. Some of the characteristics of each category of adopter include:
innovators - venturesome, educated, multiple info sources, greater propensity to take risk
early adopters - social leaders, popular, educated
early majority - deliberate, many informal social contacts
late majority - skeptical, traditional, lower socio-economic status
laggards - neighbours and friends are main info sources, fear of debt
A new view of our world and societies using graphic statistics. Amazing work.
Explore the variations of data
the ability to come up with (especially original and creative) solutions to difficult problems
The pyramids demonstrate the ingenuity of the Old Egyptians.
Impecunity is the mother of ingenuity.
Conspiracy Theories,
Every year daring competitors throw themselves down an almost vertical hill in Gloucester, UK, chasing an 8lb Double Gloucester Cheese.
Cappadocia's landscape is unlike any other place in this world! Hike through deep canyons and lush fertile valleys, explore long abandoned cave houses and decorated churches.
Incredible Places
tour of the stunning reefs of Wakatobi in SE Sulawesi, Indonesia. Amazing corals, abundant reef fish and stunning visibility.
Incredible Places,
Nature things
the island of Kri in the Raja Ampats
Incredible Places,
Nature things
At the end of the century November 1999 Globos de los Andes hot air balloon company of Cusco Peru were contracted by a team of Lima photographers to make flights for an aerial registry of the lost city of the Incas Machu Picchu.
Incredible Places
Time-lapse. One hundred six balloons in a mass ascension at the Reno Balloon Race.
Incredible Places
This 3 days Nile cruise stars from Luxor and ends at Aswan.
Scenes from a cruise on the river nile in Egypt from Luxor to Aswan and back again. Pass through the lock at Esna. The cruise was on the ship RA II.
Incredible Places
5 milleniums... hard to understand and a true testimony of ingenuity...
Incredible Places,
Things We've Built
NASA animation of the Ares I and V vehicles. Also known as the crew and cargo launch vehicles. These are the proposed vehicles to supersede the Space Shuttle program which ends in 2010. This animation depicts the proposed lunar exploration mission scenario
On July 4, 2005 at 05:52 UTC (01:52 EDT), Tempel 1 was impacted by the NASA Deep Impact probe, one day before perihelion. Earth-bound and space telescopes observed brightening of several magnitude after the impact while Deep Impact's observation section recorded a bright spray from the impact site.
The crater that formed was up to 200 meters in diameter and 30-50 meters deep.
A video travelogue of this mysterious and intriguing part of Brazil.
Piranha fishing,
Discovery Channel
345ft deep waters where the blackwater Rio Negro meets the chocolate coloured Amazon some 1600 kms (1000 miles) upstream from the Atlantic.
Sun Rise over rio Negro (Amazon)from the Ariau Lodge
Sounds of the Amazon
One of the most marvelous human acheivements
Badaling Pass
Incredible Places,
Things We've Built
The Terracotta Army was buried with the first Emperor of Qin (Qin Shi Huangdi) in 210-209 BC (his reign over Qin was from 247 BC to 221 BC and over unified China from 221 BC to his death).
Incredible Places,
Things We've Built