James Nachtwey: Photo journalist. A cruel story of the recent world TED | Talks |
About this Talk
Accepting his 2007 TED Prize, photojournalist James Nachtwey talks about his decades as a war photographer. A slideshow of his photos, beginning in 1981 in Northern Ireland, reveal two parallel themes in his work. First, as he says: "The frontlines of contemporary wars are right where people live." Street violence, famine, disease: he has photographed all these modern WMDs. Second, when a photo catches the world's attention, it can truly drive action and change. In his TED wish, he asks for help gaining access to a story that needs to be told, and developing a new, digital way to show these photos to the world.
TED | Talks | James Nachtwey: TED Prize wish: Share a vital story with the world (video)
Iraq: The Continuous War
44 min 21 sec - Apr 27, 2006
This German documentary details the work that American troops are actively involved in Iraq as a reporter embedded with them. It details ... all » there views and opinions as to the why the war is being waged and how the war is being fought on the ground.
Baghdad ER - Documentary
1 hr 4 min 7 sec - May 26, 2006
The brutality of war in Iraq. Hospital is the green zone in Baghdad treating American and Iraqi patients.
Featured - Others,
Jehane Noujaim: Unite the world on Pangea Day, a global day of film TED | Talks | (video)
About this Talk
In this hopeful talk, 2006 TED Prize winner Jehane Noujaim unveils her wish: a global acceptance of diversity, mediated through the power of film. The first step? Getting people to understand each other. In 2003, Noujaim gained access to both sides of the story of the Iraq war for her film Control Room, a dichotomy she illustrates with provocative clips of Al Jazeera journalist Sameer Khader and U.S. press officer Josh Rushing. Noujaim ends by outlining her plans for Pangea Day, an event in which people all over the world can watch the same films at the same time.
TED | Talks | Jehane Noujaim: TED Prize wish: Unite the world on Pangea Day, a global day of film (video)
Larry Brilliant: Help stop the next pandemic TED | Talks | (video)
About this Talk
Accepting his 2006 TED Prize, Dr. Larry Brilliant talks about how smallpox was finally eradicated from the planet. In a conversational style that belies the deadly seriousness of his subject, he describes the dangers of pandemic disease, and offers a solution in his dramatic TED Prize wish, a plan to use the Internet to help prevent the next pandemic.
TED | Talks | Larry Brilliant: TED Prize wish: Help stop the next pandemic (video)
Forums - TED Talks,
Our Problems
Thomas Barnett: The Pentagon's new map for war and peace TED | Talks | (video)
About this Talk
In this bracingly honest and funny talk, international security strategist Thomas P.M. Barnett outlines a post-Cold War solution for the foundering US military: Break it in two. He suggests the military re-form into two groups: a Leviathan force, a small group of young and fierce soldiers capable of swift and immediate victories; and an internationally supported network of System Administrators, an older, wiser, more diverse organization that actually has the diplomacy and power it takes to build and maintain peace.
TED | Talks | Thomas Barnett: The Pentagon's new map for war and peace (video)
Jane Goodall: What separates us from the apes? TED | Talks | (video)
About this Talk
Traveling from Ecuador to Africa, Jane Goodall takes the audience on an ecological journey, discussing highlights and low points of her experiences in the jungle. She shows how progress is helping research (DNA analysis) and hurting the environment (clear-cutting). And she draws a dozen parallels between primate and human behavior, making the point that we really aren't all that different. Our big advantage, she says, is the ability to communicate with sophisticated spoken language -- yet, sadly, we are abusing this power and destroying the planet. She urges the TED audience to behave differently, and use their higher powers to correct the planet's course
Jane Goodall hasn't exactly found the missing link, but she's come closer than just about anyone else on Earth. Her extensive research into the behavior of chimpanzees, which started in Africa in the 1960s and continues today, fundamentally altered scientific thinking about the relationship between humans and other mammals.
Goodall, who founded a research institute in her name in 1977, is an internationally recognized authority on the primate world. She's written books for adults and children, contributed to documentaries, and serves as a National Geographic explorer-in-residence, a United Nations peace messenger, and the president of Advocates for Animals. For her efforts to observe and preserve all species, Goodall has received honors and accolades from governments, nonprofits, universities, and professional organizations, including a medal from UNESCO and the French Legion of Honor in 2006.
TED | Talks | Jane Goodall: What separates us from the apes? (video)
Forums - TED Talks,
Human Behavior,
Nat Geo
Zeresenay Alemseged: Finding the origins of humanity TED | Talks |(video)
About this Talk
Paleoanthropologist Zeresenay Alemseged is looking for the roots of humanity in Ethiopia's badlands. Here he talks about what he has found -- including the oldest skeleton yet discovered of a hominid child -- and how Africa holds the clues to what makes us human.
About Zeresenay Alemseged
Zeresenay "Zeray" Alemseged digs in the Ethiopian desert, looking for the earliest signs of humanity. His most exciting find: the 3.3-million-year-old bones of Selam, a 3-year-old hominid child, from the species Australopithecus afarensis.
TED | Talks | Zeresenay Alemseged: Finding the origins of humanity (video)
Forums - TED Talks,
1895 - The Dickson Experimental Sound Film
The Dickson Experimental Sound Film is a film made by William Dickson in late 1894 or early 1895. It is the first known film with live-recorded sound and appears to be the first example of a motion picture made for the Kinetophone, the proto-sound-film system developed by Dickson and Thomas Edison. (The Kinetophone—consisting of a Kinetoscope accompanied by a cylinder-playing phonograph—was not a true sound-film system as no attempt was made to synchronize image and audio throughout playback.) The film was produced at the "Black Maria," Edison's New Jersey film studio. There is no evidence that it was ever exhibited in its original format. Newly digitized and restored, it is the only surviving Kinetophone film.
The movie features Dickson playing a violin into a recording cone for an off-camera wax cylinder.[1] The melody is from a barcarolle, "Song of the Cabin Boy," from Les Cloches de Corneville (literally The Bells of Corneville; presented in English-speaking countries as The Chimes of Normandy), a light opera composed by Robert Planquette in 1877.[2] In front of Dickson, two men dance to the music. In the final seconds, a fourth man briefly crosses from left to right behind the cone. The running time of the restored film is seventeen seconds; the accompanying cylinder contains approximately two minutes of sound, including twenty-three seconds of violin music, encompassing the film's soundtrack. After its restoration in 2000, the Dickson Experimental Sound Film was selected for inclusion in the United States National Film Registry.
Pius XII - Papal Coronation
"The Coronation of His Holiness Pius XII. This is a clip from an Italian film on his life preceeding the Papacy, hence the narration for the first half. Although the video quality is rather poor, it is still an interesting historical piece. "
Historical Events
1896 video - Tsar Nicholas II Coronation
Tsar Nicholas II Coronation: "Scenes from the coronation of Russia's last Tsar Nicholas II in May 1896; this is one of the oldest filmed moving images in existence, and one of the first examples of a significant news event being filmed to be shown to audiences worldwide.
Historical Events
Playlist: Who is Out There? Orson Wells - Carl Sagan
Who Is Out There? A Original NASA film made by Drew Associates in 1975 and digital remastered and re-edited by jac2puchman in 2007.
Narrated by Orson Wells.
Our Future...?
Playlist: PBS Secial - THE WAR
THE WAR, a seven-part series directed and produced by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, tells the story of the Second World War through the personal accounts of a handful of men and women from four quintessentially American towns. The series explores the most intimate human dimensions of the greatest cataclysm in history - a worldwide catastrophe that touched the lives of every family on every street in every town in America - and demonstrates that in extraordinary times, there are no ordinary lives. Throughout the series, the indelible experience of combat is brought vividly to life as veterans describe what it was like to fight and kill and see men die at places like Monte Cassino and Anzio and Omaha Beach; the Hürtgen Forest and the Vosges Mountains and the Ardennes; and on the other side of the world at Guadalcanal and Tarawa and Saipan; Peleliu and the Philippine Sea and Okinawa.
History - Military
Who named America?
It happened in 1507. As Riccardo Gaudino, historian for the America500 Birthday Organizing Committee explains: “America was born in the human spirit of innovation in 1507, when cartographer Martin Waldseemuller printed the globe map that named America, South and North, at Ville St. Die, France.”
The designation “America” first appeared on the area we now call Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. The name was created to honor the Italian astronomer-navigator Amerigo Vespucci for his Renaissance conclusions in math that accurately measured the circumference of the earth.
This first globe map marked a turning point in humanity’s understanding of planet Earth. It awakened the imagination of Europeans and energized a thirst for knowledge and exploration.
Flying over Everest on a hang-glider
For the first time ever, Angelo D'Arrigo has flown over Everest on a hang-glider.
Incredible Places