GapCasts - Child Mortality, Urbanization, Public Services, carbon Dioxide -

GapCast #11 Reducing Child Mortality

Nearly 10 million children under five die every year. Almost 90% of all child deaths are attributable to just six conditions: neonatal causes, pneumonia, diarrhoea, malaria, measles, and HIV/AIDS.
The aim (Millenium Development Goal 4) is to cut child mortality by two thirds by 2015. How can this be achieved? Which countries make sufficient progress?
And by which rate did a country like Norway reduce its child mortality the last 100 years? Watch Gapcast #11 to understand the background and the current status of a Millenium Development Goal.

Gapcast #10 - Carbon Dioxide
Everyone contributes to carbon dioxide emissions, but some more than others. Reducing global CO2 emissions requires that we have a good understanding of the current picture. Serious progress can be made if we develop a renewable source of electricity that is cheaper than coal.

Gapcast #9 - Public Services
Public services (safe water, education, healthcare) meet basic human needs, but are currently unavailable to many people.
Better information about access to these services is needed by service users and providers in order to make and measure progress in this area.

Gapcast #2 - Urbanization
With Hans Rosling. In this GapCast, Hans Rosling focuses on urbanization. In four minutes he give a short overview over the urban challenge, showing the last 40 years of development in urbanization and economic growth.

GapCasts -

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