David Deutsch. Our place in the universe

David Deutsch's 1997 book The Fabric of Reality laid the groundwork for an all-encompassing Theory of Everything, and galvanized interest in the idea of a quantum computer, which could solve problems of hitherto unimaginable complexity.

Why you should listen to him: More than any other thinker, David Deutsch will force you to reconsider your place in the world. This legendary Oxford physicist is the leading proponent of the multiverse (or "many worlds") interpretation of quantum theory -- the astounding idea that our universe is constantly spawning countless numbers of parallel worlds.
In his own words: "Everything in our universe -- including you and me, every atom and every galaxy -- has counterparts in these other universes." If that doesn't alter your consciousness, then the other implications he's derived from his study of subatomic physics -- including the possibility of time travel -- just might.
In his 1997 book The Fabric of Reality, Deutsch laid the groundwork for an all-encompassing Theory of Everything by tying together quantum mechanics, evolution, a rationalist approach to knowledge, and a theory of computation based on the work of proto-computer scientist Alan Turing. "Our best theories are not only truer than common sense, they make more sense than common sense," Deutsch wrote, and he continues to take seriously the most mind-bending aspects of particle physics, including the tendency of matter to exist in more than one place at a time. Though famously reclusive, Deutsch proved himself marvelously at home on the TED stage, drawing big laughs and a well-earned standing ovation for his reflections on the future of our species.
"Amazingly enough, it is Deutsch's idea -- one he has harbored since childhood, he says -- to truly understand 'everything' that is known. Even more amazing is how close he seems to have come and how well he explains it to the rest of us."
The San Jose Mercury News

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